Monday, November 1, 2010

The Xplicit Truth


Dear Xplicit,

 I'm a 26 year old woman with 3 Kids who has lived with my mom all my life. I've been in a relationship with my youngest child's father for 5 years now. I'm getting frustrated living in this one room with my 3 kids. I have told my boyfriend that I am ready to move NOW!!!! he assures me that we will be moving soon. I feel like less of a woman and a poor example to my children for being in this situation for as long as I have. I am totally out of patience and ready to have a home I can call my own. So what should I do should I give him more time or should I move on in the process without him?
Ready to tear down walls

Dear Ready,
 You don't have any more time and neither does he, your about 5 years and 2 kids late. Your boyfriend is showing signs of him not being able to be dependable now, so why would you put yourself in a position to depend on him to pay half the rent. Sweetheart you need to do what is best for You and Your children.Stop putting your life on hold and waiting for him to catch up with you.Find you a place that you will be able to afford on your salary, that way if he flakes out you can still hold everything down on your own. I wish you luck.


  1. i agree wholeheartedly. don't wait on others. do for yourself and your children. if you cannot afford to move out with out him seek help through nonprofits/government/the like. moving with him may land u right back at home.

  2. The fact that she's knocking her boyfriend when she should be doing for her & her kids annoys me. Your advice was on point. Let's stop waiting for men to provide what we can provide our damn selves.
